20en it comes to PlayStation games, PS4 is by far the most liked and the best-selling console heap. It’s a runaway leader in its category and has quite easily surpassed its competitors, mainly Nintendo and Microsoft.
Thinking about which are the best PlayStation 4 games of all time? Well, thankfully PlayStation 4 has been honored with various widely praised games that you won’t get to play on some other reassure.
Ever since its release in 2013, we’ve seen a constant flow of first-class games coming from the dearest PlayStation establishments that overwhelmed every one of us.
Although PS4 lost the power fight to Xbox One X, that does not harm Sony’s winning position in this exclusive battle.
But which PS4 exclusive games are the best? Here’s our rundown of the 10 best PS4 special features accessible in 2024.
7 Best PlayStation 4 Video Games in 2024
1. Horizon: Zero Dawn
Based on a fantastic science fiction story, Zero Dawn is one of the most standout games.
Everything in Horizon has its essence and which adds on to its prominent storyline. Featured collectibles and side journeys have their significance, whereas the battles fought leaves a long-lasting effect and the storyline itself is one of the most grounded components in the game.
Delightful scenes loaded with bestial machines and animalistic gadgets are enough to raise the anxiety level in the players.
This is, without a doubt, the start of the next big thing for Sony and stands out high in the category of Best PS4 games.
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2. Marvel’s SpiderMan
Despite all the challenges faced from storied video games in the superhero category, 2018’s Spider-Man still stands high with its unbeaten position.
With a story based on comic fights, a world overflowing with unexpected movements and filled with Marvel easter eggs the game has proved itself worthwhile enough for its audiences.
Spider-Man is hands down the most suited for superhero games, and Marvel’s Spider-Man has done an excellent job is bringing its character to life.
3. Ratchet & Clank
Ratchet & Clank have a long history of the association. Their latest story is an advancement of what they have learned in all these years and gives its audience enough material to jump in.
Filled with a fine-tuned action platform, gives you a complete modern feel but still embraces the characters, humor, and first story threads.
It’s a perfect choice for kids who have played the initial version but also contains enough material for new ones.
4. Infamous: First Light
Neon-wielding Fetch known as “Second Son” was one of the most prominent characters of the game, failed to leave an impact on its audiences due to dull backstory. Sucker Punch is one character that made Infamous famous. Her style is based on the abuse and suffering she faced back home and from the government.
Infamous, First flight earns a place amongst the best PS4 exclusives and is undoubtedly a ride worth taking.
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5. BloodBorne
This aggressive Souls game was developed by Hidetaka Miyazaki, in light of the popularity earned by the game Dark Souls. It can throw constant attacks and quick moments to beat its enemies plaguing Yharnam.
Although the game is solely based on one-play style but is still well balanced to provide its audience with a wide variety.
Yharnam is showcased as the most creative world blended with classical enemies, Victorian architecture, and terrifying monsters.
Even if you win a stage, you will always be scared of the next level.
6. God of War
Thanks to Sony Santa Monica, who turned this outdated game into one of the biggest hits of 2018. The first story heads are quite similar but are not loaded with protagonist Kratos rather than Geek monsters, which gives it a fresh feel.
Moreover, Kratos’ son Atreus, along with open-ended exploration makes it a better game than its predecessors.
The new Leviathan Axe is another limelight addition, which keeps your nerves high making God of Wars as one of the most impressive- PS4 games.
7. Death Stranding
Game director Hideo Kojima, who is known for his visionary work, has never been reluctant to take chances. Death Stranding is a strange game, even when measured by Kojima’s norms. You might say that it is a game about reestablishing communication between the post-apocalyptic United States of America via the delivery of supply boxes; but, there is a great deal more at play here, including the presence of odd animals and ghostly warriors.
The gameplay is quite modest, and there is a general lack of motion, which may be a bit tiresome for you. However, some people may find the straightforward joys of delivering an item to the appropriate location to be satisfying. In addition, there is a powerful growth loop because you may finally improve the capabilities of the protagonist, Sam Bridges. Death Stranding is an excellent choice to play if you are looking for a dose of Kojima’s creative genius.
The above mentioned is an exclusive list of some of the best PlayStation 4 games. Pick your favorite one & enjoy the ultimate gaming experience.
You can also check out our latest best offline shooting games list by clicking here!