How To Add a Link To Your Instagram Stories?

Various people from various different web sectors have questions like, “How to put a link on an Instagram photo?”, or “How to add a clickable link on an Instagram post?”, or sometimes even “How do I get traffic to my website through Instagram content?”
All of these questions will be answered right here in this post.
Step By Step Process to Add a Link To Your Instagram Stories
Instagram is not just a social media space to interact and connect anymore. It has become an imperative tool of marketing for various businesses, brands, and influencers. Everyone is utilizing this social media handle to the extreme limits for their sales and website traffic, and the results are highly positive.
We need to clear the air about something first. Instagram stories generate more popularity than Instagram posts. The concept of stories and status has evolved and increased for quite a few years. Everyone loves the idea of dynamic content that is seen and understood in a minimum amount of time.
Instagram stories are viewed and used by almost 500 million users every day. So it is a given that stories are the next best thing for marketing.
You can’t even add links to your account posts (only one link in the profile). But it is a completely different case with stories.
Many businesses claim that by adding website links on their Instagram stories, they saw an amazing spike in their sales.
But how do you add these links? We’ll show you how.

NOTE: This feature will only work if you have at least 10K followers and/or a verified account. People with neither of those can only add links to their IGTV videos (if they have any).
Follow these steps, and you’ll finally learn how to insert the link(s) on an Instagram story:
Step 1: Open the Instagram app and tap camera icon at the top-left corner or swipe right in your Feed. You need to have a great picture/video to post (obviously, it’s Instagram! Duh.) You can either click one or upload something from your gallery.

Step 2: Before adding a link, you need to add a ‘call to action’. Have you noticed that most of the time whenever you see a story with links, there’s always something like “swipe up”, or “Check out more”, or even arrows pointing towards the link swipe? All of them are ‘calls to action’. They would urge and direct the viewers towards seeing more of your content and checking out the websites.

Step 3: After editing and uploading, on the top right corner, you’ll see an icon that resembles a chain (It’s similar to our Gmail attachment icon). You have to click on it. This is what would help you add Instagram story links (and bring more traffic to your content).
Now no one can say that there’s no link icon or no link button on Instagram story. It is obviously there.

Step 4: After clicking, a new window with ‘More Options’ would open. You’ll see a category of ‘Add Link’. In this, you can either add a link to your IGTV video or a URL to your website/webpage. To do either, just click on +IGTV or +URL, respectively.

Step 5: Type the URL in the textbox. Once you’re finished, click on ‘Done’ in the top right corner.

Step 6: After that, you are ready to publish. Click on the ‘+Story’ button in the bottom right corner. Now your uploaded story has a “See More” swipe uplink (You’re very welcome!).

Step 7: You can also keep your stories stored as Highlights on your account. This would increase the traffic in your business as it would give future followers to connect again and again with your brand.
Step 8: If you want to even further your reach, go through your Stories Insights and learn different aspects that would make an impact on your business.

If Not Links, What Else can one do for Business on Instagram?
Even though adding links to our Instagram stories is a great way to boost business, not all of us are lucky to meet the Instagram criterion and standards to do so. In that case, one has to look for other measures to achieve their marketing goals.
These are some of them:
- Attempt to increase followers on your account and page
- Make your Instagram feed entirely directed towards your brand ideals and looking professional
- Build a network on Instagram by tagging other companies in your posts
- Be super active in your posting and interaction with your followers.